Queen Mary's School - Head of Art

  • Yorkshire

  • Queen Mary's School

  • Full-time | Part-time


We wish to appoint an inspirational and visionary Head of Art to lead this dynamic department. Experience of teaching to GCSE and beyond is essential. Passionate about fostering artistic expression, nurturing talent and empowering pupils.



Queen Mary's seeks to appoint an inspirational and visionary Head of Art to lead this dynamic department.

Experience of teaching to GCSE and beyond is essential.

Closing Date for Applications: 12:00 Thursday 20 March 2025

Interviews will take place on Monday 24 March 2025

The ideal candidate will be passionate about fostering artistic expression, nurturing talent and empowering pupils in a stimulating and innovative environment. With the ability to inspire and motivate children of all abilities, and to stimulate the pupils’ real interest and involvement in art in all year groups from Prep School to Senior School.

The outstanding candidate will demonstrate excellence in teaching, leading and developing Art in a thriving Department at this successful school.

With an instinctive readiness to contribute to the extra-curricular life of this busy, exciting and successful school. The candidate will be positive, inspirational, flexible, and calm under pressure, especially when working in a busy school environment.

If you have the energy, commitment and enthusiasm to achieve outstanding academic outcomes and infuse children with a life-long passion for learning, we want to hear from you.

As a boarding and day school we maintain the traditions of boarding, working an extended teaching day (08:30-16:40 plus an occasional evening duty until 20:00). Girls from Year 8 upwards have Saturday morning lessons. Academic development is at the heart of school life, we offer an independent wide ranging curriculum, excellent teaching and a clear understanding of learning potential. With a combination of traditional and modern teaching methods, each pupil is encouraged to enjoy learning, develop her independence and succeed to the best of her ability.

The academic life of the School is overseen by the Assistant Head: Senior School and Heads of Department who ensure an up to date and challenging curriculum is in place. On-going relevant and measured assessment is essential and pupil progress is tracked to inform future teaching and learning goals.

Above all Queen Mary’s believes that the learning process must be enjoyable and engaging. Teaching and learning are supported by a wide range of resources and extra-curricular activities. The ethos and values foster an enthusiasm for lifelong learning and encourage independence of thought. The children develop self-esteem, a wide range of knowledge and essential communication, study and life skills as they progress.

The applicant will be expected to teach children of all abilities from Year 3 to Year 11.

All staff are expected to contribute to the wider community of this successful school.


· To be an inspiring, first class teacher who fosters a love of learning and nurtures the wellbeing of all in their care

· To have prime responsibility for the educational development and pastoral care of the children within your care

· To teach according to the timetable, ensuring that lessons are planned, ordered and effective.

· Lessons will have clear teaching objectives and maintain pace, motivation and challenge

· To know, understand and follow the subject curriculum and examination specifications

· To set tasks which challenge pupils in line with growth mind-set and ensure high levels of interest in lessons and prep

· To lead and share strategies for effective teaching across a wide range of ages and abilities

· To use a variety of teaching methods to ensure effective learning

· To be aware of the need to differentiate work and challenges according to the ability of the pupils, whilst maintaining high expectations of all and taking full account of any Special Educational Needs

· To encourage children to take responsibility for their learning.

· To monitor the academic progress of each child in the class. Using the School Marking Policy, work will be marked effectively and clear feedback given to pupils. Targets will be set and reviewed regularly.

· To provide informative written reports on pupils’ work and progress

· To maintain high levels of communication with parents regarding both pastoral and academic issues

· To have appropriate and challenging expectations.

· To ensure there is a safe, stimulating and well-organised learning environment for young people. The classroom area will be maintained in good order and with excellent display work

· To be supportive of the School’s aims, agreed teaching styles, methods of assessment and other policies

· To work as part of a team, in harmony with and for the furtherance of the School’s ethos and declared educational aims and priorities

· To liaise closely with the Assistant Head: Senior School in reviewing, revising and implementing policies to ensure teaching and learning are the best they can be.

The duties currently assigned to this role include:

· Undertake supervision duties as required

· To attend staff briefings

· To attend Parents’ Meetings and all major school activities, as appropriate (including INSET)

· To participate in the School appraisal programme

· Contribute to the marketing and promotion of the School to prospective pupils and parents

· Relate to young people in an atmosphere of trust, openness and integrity and encourage a climate of mutual respect

· To make a full and active contribution to the extra-curricular life of the School

· To uphold the policies of the School

In addition to subject teaching, the new member of staff will be a Tutor. This pastoral role, played by each member of the teaching staff, is considered to be very important at Queen Mary’s. Members of the teaching staff are expected to do regular duties. Pupil Profiles are written for every pupil at the end of each term


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Queen Mary's School

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Baldersby Park, Topcliffe, Thirsk, YO7 3BZ

  • 1 Day Boys (3-7)
  • 194 Day Girls (3-16)
  • 31 Boarding Girls (7-16)
  • GSA, ISC

01845 575000

Closing Date: 20 March 2025