St Mary's School, Gerrards Cross - Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages

  • Buckinghamshire

  • St Mary's School, Gerrards Cross

  • Competitive

  • Full-time


St Mary’s School is seeking a Teacher of Spanish and French or Spanish and German to work in our MFL Department. The successful candidate must be able to teach Spanish up to and including A Level and French or German up to and including GCSE.


St Mary’s School is seeking a Teacher of Spanish and French or Spanish and German to work in our MFL Department. You will join a team of committed, enthusiastic Teachers who are passionate about the importance of Language Learning. There are currently three subject areas, French, Spanish and German, all of which are offered to A Level. Italian is taught via a co-curricular club.

All girls in Key Stage 3 study French but in Year 8 add in either Spanish or German. Whilst parents are invited to support applications for a particular language, the final decision lies with the Head of Department and we endeavour to achieve an equal split. There is a free choice of language at KS4 but all girls must study at least one. We have a good proportion of dual linguists and an increasing number of girls are opting to continue languages at A level, some of whom go on to read Modern Languages at University. We currently follow Edexcel GCSE and A level courses in all three languages. Our girls have a proven track record of success at GCSE and A level, with many returning to school after university to encourage girls to study these subjects.

Trips to France, Germany and Spain are a regular feature of the department; these are very well supported, and we endeavour to ensure that at least part of the trips takes place in term time. All staff in the department are expected to take part in these trips. A level students are strongly encouraged to complete work experience abroad organised via The department is well resourced with dedicated classrooms and good ICT facilities. Language clubs are held in each language, a successful pen friend system is in place and the department celebrates European Day of Languages each year with a variety of activities.

The successful candidate must be able to teach Spanish up to and including A Level and French up to and including GCSE. You should have stamina, good humour and be able to demonstrate strong organisational skills. Good ICT skills are essential and candidates should be aware that technology is used to enhance learning throughout the curriculum. Staff play a crucial part in the marketing of the school and attend all Open events, as well as our annual evening Carol Service in December and Prize Giving in July. Staff participation in the co-curricular life of the school is a requirement, developing relationships with students and their parents and ensuring a breadth of opportunities for our girls.

Main Duties

  • To plan, prepare and teach well-structured lessons as required by the department in line with the Teachers’ Standards.
  • To set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils.
  • To set homework and mark written work regularly according to the department policy and ensure that the correct procedures are followed if work is missing, incomplete or late.
  • To set, supervise and mark school examinations and coursework for public examinations.
  • To assess, record and report on the development, progress and attainment of pupils, and to communicate this information to parents via written reports and parents’ evenings. To provide written information for UCAS, and other similar forms when required.
  • To provide written information for UCAS and other similar forms when required.
  • To ensure good progress and outcomes by pupils.
  • To consult with the Head of Faculty about any problems occurring over academic matters, such as aspects of the curriculum or the syllabus for GCSE or A-Level.
  • To keep records of attendance at lessons as required.
  • To invigilate public examinations as required.
  • To keep records of books distributed.
  • To invigilate public examinations as required.
  • To keep records of books distributed.
  • To continually review methods of teaching and programmes of work and participate in arrangements for further training and professional development.
  • To be able to adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils.
  • To participate in the wider school community by making a positive contribution to co-curricular activities and acting as a Form Tutor if required.
  • To contribute to co-curricular activities.
  • To maintain good order and discipline among pupils and safeguard their health and safety.
  • To liaise with Form Tutors or Heads of Section about serious discipline problems or any other difficulties pupils may cause, or appear to be having.
  • To attend Departmental, Staff, Parents and INSET meetings.
  • To attend assemblies.


Further Information

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St Mary's School, Gerrards Cross

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Packhorse Road, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8JQ

  • 432 Day Girls (3-18)

01753 883370

Closing Date: 14 March 2025